There's also the Brazilian butt lift, which involves transferring fat into the butt. 还有巴西提臀术,将脂肪转移到臀部。
Your momma is so fat, your momma got a big butt. 你妈妈那么胖,屁股又那么大。
Office staffs work nine-to-five who are sedentary in office, gradually accumulate fat in the lower body, causing saggy butt so easily. 朝九晚五的上班族,因久坐办公室不常运动,脂肪渐渐累积在下半身,这样容易造成臀部下垂。
Since we have found the key point of saggy butt, we can proceed first from each meal every day, to eat some foods containing vegetable fat or vegetable protein, such as tofu, which is the best choice to prevent from butt sagging. 既然找到了臀部下垂的原因,就让我们先从一日三餐着手,注意多吃一些植物性脂肪或含有植物性蛋白质的食物。例如豆腐,就是防止臀部下垂的最佳食品。