This has provided foundation for the design, calculation, test and alignment of a windshield wiper motor reset system. 提出了复位计算的算法和刮水电机参数的测试方法,并以实例进行了测试和计算,为刮水电机自动复位装置的设计、计算和试验调整提供了依据。
Through an analysis of the principle of the windshield wiper automatic reset system and braking process, this article will reveal the key issues in motor ( wiper ) reset, provide methods for the reset calculation, and test methods of windshield wiper motor specifications. 本文通过分析刮水电动机自动复位原理和能耗制动过程,揭示了电动机能否复位的关键;
Computer Aid Design System for Electric Windshield Wiper Assembly & The Design of Windshield Wiper Motor(WWM) 汽车电动雨刮器总成(CAD)系统&雨刮电机设计