The political and economic environment in which Marx wrote was a brief interlude in economic history. 马克思创作《资本论》时的政治和经济环境,在经济史(EH)上只是一个短暂的插曲。
She has written extensively on economic history and the history of economic thought. 她撰写了大量有关经济史(EH)和经济思想史的著作和论文。
Economic history is the history of shocks and their management. 经济史(EH)就是经济冲击和管理冲击的历史。
Theoretically speaking, researches in Chinese economic history need conformity and innovation. 中国经济史(EH)研究需要理论的整合与创新。
From the perspective of economic history, a revolution overthrew the monarchy, the feudal economy has shaken the foundation of a strong impetus to the development of capitalism in China. 从经济史(EH)的角度看,辛亥革命推翻了帝制,动摇了封建的经济基础,有力推动了中国资本主义的发展。