The Master Settlement Agreement(MSA) was a product of work by state attorneys general, who represented their states in the negotiation, the judge ruled. 该法庭裁决到,大和解是州首席检察官工作的一个产物,他们在谈判中代表他们的州。
The company argued that the Master Settlement Agreement(MSA) between tobacco companies and states is more expensive for new entrants to the industry. 这家公司争论说,对于新进入烟草业的公司来说,烟草公司和各州之间的大和解协议更加昂贵。
The Master Settlement Agreement(MSA) ultimately prevented companies from being sued by state governments for the costs of health care for smokers. 大和解协议最终用于预防州政府起诉索赔烟民的健康费用。