At some insurance groups mechanical risk limits were emphasised. Others preferred to place faith in the ability of senior leaders to manage risks. 一些保险集团强调设置机械的风险阈值,另一些则更倾向于信任高级管理层管理风险的能力。
In March, the CIO risk limits had been hit, and in early April, the bank had notified regulators of the situation, Dimon later testified. 戴蒙后来作证说,3月份CIO达到了其风险限制,4月上旬该行就此向监管部门通报了情况。
In practice, in order to control risk, the reinsurer require that the risk limits covered can not be too large, and the average risk not too high. 在实务中,再保险人为了控制风险,往往会要求所承保风险的额度不能太大,而且风险的平均值也不能太高。
The second part of the article mainly introduces real estate market risk limits and risk determination concrete method and target. 文章第二部分主要介绍房地产市场风险的界定与风险测定的具体方法和指标。通过国际上各种常用指标标准与我国权威统计数据的分析对比,初步判断目前我国房地产市场已经存在风险。
Insurance is usually the use of bond portfolio optimization, risk limits management and other methods to achieve risk-averse and its own investment objectives. 针对这些风险,保险公司通常运用优化债券投资组合、风险限额(RL)管理、强化资产负债管理等方法来规避和应对风险。