Online-game is the integration of culture, art and technology and it offers us a new way of leisure entertainment. 网络游戏是文化、艺术与高科技的融合,它给我们提供了一种新的休闲娱乐方式。
As a result of the historical traces left by history repair and local infiltration, local Confucian Temple become a valuable kind for research on local history, culture, architectural art and technology. 而地方文庙,因为历朝历代修葺留下的痕迹和地方建筑手法的渗入,已经成为研究地方历史、文化、建筑艺术与技术的宝贵实物。
Therefore, researching on such paintings is treated as a critical tool for people to understand human history, culture, art, and technology development history, which could further promote the prosperity of human civilization. 针对这些绘画作品的研究,一直是人们了解人类的历史、文化、艺术以及科技的发展史,从而进一步推动人类文明发展的一种重要手段。
Traditional Vernacular Architecture is culture, history, art, technology, and wealth are the enormous load. 传统民居建筑是文化、历史、艺术、技术、财富的巨大承载者。
Thus increasing the interaction and emotional between people, products and environment, so products have a certain culture, art, science and technology, economic and environmental connotations, revealed a certain degree of content and mood, expression a depth. 从而增加人、产品、环境之间的交流与情感,使产品具有一定的文化、艺术、科技、经济以及环境等内涵,透露出一定的内容和意境,表达出一种深度。