As a pivotal part of supply chain management, because of its direct impact on quality, finical flows and product cost, supplier relationship management has been receiving increasing recognitions. 供应链管理中供应商管理是企业供应链战略中很重要的一个环节,它对后面几个环节的物流质量、资金流状况、产品成本等产生直接影响。
Besides, it could be used to produce esterifying liquid, which could be further used in new type liquor production after direct distillation to improve product quality and reduce production cost or increase quality product rate by cross steaming. 可应用酯化技术生产酯化液,酯化液直接蒸馏后用于生产新型白酒,提高产品质量,降低生产成本,或串蒸糟醅提高优级品率;
Resource selection in job-shop scheduling has a direct influence on the product quality, date of delivery and production cost. 车间作业计划中的资源选择直接影响到产品的质量、交货期和生产成本。
The performance of Reverse Logistics has direct impact on the social image and reputation, product evaluation, customer service, operation cost and profit. 逆向物流运作的好坏将直接影响到企业的社会信誉、在公众中的形象和知名度,产品的质量评价、客户服务水平、企业的经营成本和效益。