Investors may experience a loss when they convert foreign currency back to their home currency or other currencies. 当投资者将外币兑换为本地货币或其它货币时,投资者有可能蒙受亏损。
The internationalization of home currency is not certainly related with the type of exchange rate regime. 本币的国际化不一定与汇率制度的类型有关。
The nature of dollarization is the substitution of home currency by certain foreign hard currency. 美元化的本质是本国的货币被外国强势货币替代。
Whatever initially tends to improve the trade balance will tend to appreciate the home currency. 凡开始会改善贸易差额的,都会使本国货币(HC)涨价。
Commercial transactions : if imports exceed exports, the demand for foreign currencies rises, forcing up the value thereof in terms of the home currency, that is to say, the value of the home currency is depreciated in terms of the relative foreign currencies. 商业业务:如果进口超过出口,对外国货币需求增加,提高了外币对本国货币(HC)的价值。那就是说,本国货币(HC)对于相关的货币贬了值。