Borrowing advanced experience and practical outcomes of Australian VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System, Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System requires to be constructed in terms of five systems, multi-dimensional evaluation and four systems, based on four principles. 借鉴澳大利亚职业教育课程质量保障的经验举措和实际效果,我国职业教育课程质量保障体系框架的建构需要依据四个原则、建立五个系统,实行多元主体的评价,并完善四个机制。
In order to guarantee the coordinative development of the quality and quantity of higher vocational education, it is very important to establish an Internal Quality Monitoring System ( IQMS ) for VET insti - tutes. 要确保高职教育数量与质量的协调发展,构建高职高专院校内部教育质量监控体系至关重要。
Comparative Study on Higher Education Quality Assurance System between US and Britain; Dozens of people who knew him were interviewed, all under the guise of a routine positive vet. 认证与审查:美英两国高等教育质量保证体系之比较我们走访了数十个认识他的人,装作是进行例证性晋升审查。