It identified wind, solar and water as alternatives, as well as geothermal energy and so-called biomass energy from waste, as alternative power sources. 这份报告确定了以风能、太阳能和水能为替代能源,以及地热能和从废物中提取的所谓的生物能源。
Olar energy in Japan has come to dominate thanks to government incentives now offered to the producers of renewables and rules which require public power utilities to buy alternative power at above-market rates. 日本太阳能占据主导地位是得益于日本政府为可再生能源制造商提供的激励措施,以及要求公共电力公司以高于市场价格购买可再生能源发电的规定。
As used in a paper about alternative wind power," has the horses " is a shorthand expression of sufficiency, in this case, power sufficiency. 在这篇讨论风力替代能源的例子中,作者以马力一词暗示风力发电的强力足敷所需。
This method helps to choose what we will call Alternative Transmission Power ( ATP ). 这种方法有助于我们选择发射功率,这方法叫选择发射功率(ATP)。
To overcome the problem of power-consumed wastage, we have designed a scheme called Alternative Transmission Power ( ATP ), a distance aware scheme and an updating information scheme. 为了解决能量损耗的问题,我们设计了选择发射功率(ATP)机制,距离感知机制和更新信息机制。