Clear the nonmatching entry by pressing the'esc'key before doubleclicking. 双击之前按“esc”键可清除不匹配条目。
In one smoke-filled basement nightclub recently, plenty of wine ( and prostitutes ) were on display, but Chinese bouncers evicting a foreign reporter made clear that only Chinese were allowed entry. 最近,在一间烟雾缭绕、陈列着大量美酒(以及妓女)的地下夜总会里,中国保镖赶走了一名外国记者,表明这里只有华人可以进入。
However, without clear understanding of foreign business environment, market entry and operation performance were poor and numerous projects fell into trouble. 但是,由于对国外商业环境理不够,造成了公司运营很差,很多项目陷入困境。
It was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence. 这时已昭然若揭了:趁她不在时窃贼曾破门而入。
It is clear that there is great demand from companies for entry - and mid-level managers with solid business skills. 很明显,一些公司对拥有扎实商业技能的初中级经理人有着强劲的需求。