Police in Sao Paulo say they are sure they have arrested the guilty man after matching the one trainer he was wearing with one found at the crime scene. 圣保罗的警官说,被逮捕的嫌疑人穿着的一只运动鞋与现场留下的相匹配,因此他们确信此人就是该案罪犯。
Discussion on Combination between Police Service Guided by Information and Community Police Affairs She as served as facilitator, training leader, and chairperson for the Northeast Multi-district PETS, and served multiple terms as District Trainer. 情报主导警务与社区警务有机结合之途径浅探她担任引导人、练领导人与东北多地区社长当选人训练会议主委,并担纲多任的地区训练人。