In terms of the teaching stage, it puts forward the integration with the double-studio system as core, which namely includes the special project studio for the sophomore and junior students and the supervisor project studio for the senior students. 论文从教学的阶段上提出了双层工作室制为核心的整合,即二三年级时专业项目工作室(PS),四年级进入导师项目工作室(PS)。
Aronofsky was being heavily courted for the project after the studio decided to hire Zack Snyder to direct the Superman reboot Man of Steel, which Aronofsky was also in the running for. 在电影公司决定选用扎克-施奈德导演新一集的《超人》电影,并重启《钢铁侠》的计划之后,达伦对就被认为是执导《金刚狼2》的大热人选。
Lin Chunming, 23, a2008 electrical engineering grad of Guangdong Institute of Education Project : Web design studio. 林春明,23岁,2008级广东教育学院的电气工程研究生,项目:网络设计工作室。
To see what you've done, save your project, close Visual Studio. NET, and use Windows Explorer to browse to the folder containing your project and the Excel workbook file. 若要查看所做的操作,请保存项目,关闭VisualStudio.NET,并使用Windows资源管理器来浏览包含项目和Excel工作薄文件的文件夹。
This article explained the essentials of porting the most basic project types from a Visual Studio environment to a g + + / Solaris-based one. 本文说明了将最基本的项目类型从VisualStudio环境移植到基于g++/Solaris环境的基本要素。