His minor subjects included philosophy and military science. 辅修哲学和军事(MS)科学。
These colleges would teach agriculture, engineering and military science. 这些大学将教授农业、工程以及军事(MS)科学。
The significance and specialty lies in the modern transformation from traditional military culture including Military Science(MS) of Sun Tzu. 其所以重要与特殊就在于它关系到包括《孙子兵法》在内的传统军事(MS)文化如何实现现代性转型。
The website of the military academy has opened a military forum, where students can talk about military science. 军校网站上开设了讲武论坛,让学生们自由讨论军事(MS)兵法。
The AMS is the PLA's highest-level research institute and center of military science. 军事(MS)科学院是全军最高军事(MS)科学研究机关,是全军军事(MS)科学研究的中心。