She made him coffee arid served him homemade cookies in the living room. 她给他冲了些咖啡,端来了些家里做的糕点,让他在起居室里坐。
Typical gifts Homemade cookies in an antique tin, a framed montage of favorite family photos, a collection of stationery for a niece going off to college. 典型礼物装在古色古香罐子里的自制小甜饼;一幅剪辑合成的加框全家福照片,送给要上大学的侄女的一套文具用品。
Of course, everyone knows that growing up with " Mommy Dearest " produces a very different child from one raised by, say, a loving PTA president who has milk and homemade cookies waiting after school. 当然,每个人都知道,麻辣老妈和出任学校家长教师联合会主席、每天孩子回家都奉上牛奶与亲手烘焙饼干的妈妈,会培养出完全不同的孩子。
My grandmother's homemade chocolate chip cookies are above par. 我祖母自制的巧克力碎片饼乾可是不同凡响的。
Her entrepreneurial life began at six years old : she paid for her own horseback riding lessons by selling homemade breads and cookies at farmers ' markets. 莉齐6岁就开始了她的企业家生涯,小小年纪就开始在农贸市场上卖自家做的面包和饼干,用赚来的钱支付马术课的学费。