Jones's initial efforts in America, in the ten months before Caesar's arrival, were impressive. Jones最初在美国下了很大一番功夫(他抵达美国10个月后Caesar到来),成效显著。
You mean Square MK2 pre-orders are before Caesar's? 你的意思是方块2预定在凯撒之前(BC)?
Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar : and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee. 保罗,不要害怕,你必定站在凯撒面前。并且与你同船的人,神都赐给你了。
Chapter one deals with the Roman historiography before Caesar mainly. 第一章主要叙述了凯撒之前(BC)的罗马史学,包括希腊史学对罗马史学的影响及罗马史学兴起的原因;
Before this, Caesar was the only Roman who had dared put himself on a coin, for to do so was to assume the stature of a monarch & or a god. 在此之前,恺撒是唯一一个敢把自己的头像刻在银币上的罗马人,这样做是为了体现君主(或神)的崇高地位。