This is the website for Mississippi State(MS) University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. 这是密西西比州大(MS)学农业和生命科学学院的网站。
Brown, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State(MS) University entitled " Nearfield acoustic communication by ants ". 布朗系昆虫学和植物病理学,密西西比州立大学的题为“近场声通信的蚂蚁”。
Me : I will go to the Mississippi State(MS) University, the ESL Center, to learn English and American Culture 4 weeks. 我:我要去密西西比州立大学,英语二外中心,学习英语和美国文化4周。
Shown here are students being sworn in as senators in the Mississippi State(MS) Senate chamber at the Capitol building in Jackson. 上图是学生们在密西西比州杰克逊市州议会大厦的参议院中宣誓担任参议员。
Focusing on the fortunes and souls of the characters in the novel, Faulkner was indeed penetrating into the social changes that Mississippi State(MS) and the whole South were undergoing in the nineteenth century and pondering on the fate of the South. 通过对小说中人物的命运和心灵等变化的关注,福克纳对十九世纪密西西比州以及整个南方社会经历的社会变化进行了挖掘,对南方社会的命运进行了思考。