Further details are provided in the Demonstration of endpoint system available execution path section later in this article. 本文后面的端点系统可用执行路径(EP)演示小节将提供更详细的细节。
This section shows you the difference between the default execution path of an iBATIS application using dynamic SQL and one that uses the Integration Module to create and use static SQL. 本小节展示使用动态SQL的iBATIS应用程序和使用IntegrationModule来创建和使用静态SQL的应用程序的默认执行路径(EP)之间的区别。
Locks imply ordering dependencies in the code that allow the developer to reason about the execution path and expected results. 锁意味着要整理代码中的依赖性,使开发人员对于执行路径(EP)和预期结果有理可循。
If the xmlto and xsltproc applications and a JVM are correctly installed on your system and are in your execution path, each of these commands returns version information about that application. 如果xmlto和xsltproc应用程序以及JVM均已正确安装到系统并保存于执行路径(EP),上述命令中的每一个都会返回有关该应用程序的版本信息。
All conditional statements use the truth or falsehood of a conditional expression to determine the execution path. 所有条件语句都利用条件表达式的真或假来决定执行流程。