Represents the details of a discovery reference without the contents of the referenced document. 表示发现引用的详细信息,但不包含被引用文档的内容。
Once that is done, the default behavior is for the Content List widget to pass the referenced document from the selected row into the Viewer for display, which is exactly what is needed. 连接好后,默认行为是ContentList小部件从选中行中将被引用文档传递到Viewer小部件中进行显示,这正是我们需要的。
As mentioned previously, a WS-Inspection document is generally made available at the point-of-offering for the services that are referenced within the document. 前面已经提到,通常使WS-Inspection文档在提供点对文档中引用的服务可用。
URIs are generally used in XML core specifications as system identifiers, which specify a concrete resource, such as a file, referenced from an XML document. URI通常用作XML核心规范中的系统标识符,指定引用自某个XML文档中的具体资源,例如一个文件。
If the diagram is not open or referenced by another open document, the designers will load the referenced definition files. 如果未打开该关系图,或者没有由另一个打开的文档引用,则设计器将加载引用的定义文件。