Coordinated through the above five measures, solve the educational difficulties of the concept of honor, Achieve the purpose of universities ' socialist honor and disgrace education. 通过以上五个措施相互协调、相互促进,最终解决荣辱观教育的困难,实现荣辱观教育的目的。
In addition, there are still more prominent and the uneven distribution of educational resources, especially in remote mountainous areas and the rural poor educational resources bring many difficulties to carry out the education and learning. 另外,我国目前还存在较为突出教育资源分配不均衡,特别是偏远山区及农村教育资源差,给教育与学习的开展带来不少困难。
To solve the disordered situation of textbook supply, the policy of opening the copyright of national-regulation textbook carried out by the Educational Ministry reflected the difficulties of textbook supply system's reform and the profit conflict among these profit groups after 1947. 而1947年以后,国民政府教育部实行国定本教科书版权开放的政策,则显现了教育体制变革过程中的困难重重以及各利益集团之间的利益冲突。
This section reveals the existence of low educational new citizens, explains the difficulties that low educational new citizens face. 该部分揭示了低文化新市民的生存现状,阐明了低文化新市民所面临的困难。
The second reason is the reason of education system. It think the backward educational system that led to the employment difficulties and a poor sense of honesty and sense of innovation of the shortage of college students. 第二个原因教育体制的原因,认为教育体制的落后导致了大学生就业困难,诚信意识薄弱和大学生创新意识的短缺。