HYDAC back-flush filters are designed for continuous and maintenance free filtration in all sectors of industry for water filtration. HYDAC后台刷新过滤器是设计用于连续和维护水过滤所有的行业免费过滤。
It is maintenance free and unnecessary to adjust or clean lens. 激光器无需进行任何维护,也不用调整或清洁镜片。
As with all CSB batteries, all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free. 所有的CSB电池都可充电、效率高、防漏、免维护(MF)。
Hospital, government building, plaza and other lighting places : long life span and maintenance free. 医院、市政大楼、广场等照明场所:长寿命、免维护(MF)。
Although maintenance free, no external service is known that can restore the battery's performance once degraded. 它们虽然没有消耗,但没有已知的额外办法能够回复已经老化的电池的性能。