I use a RELEASE COMMAND by saying " OK " so he knows we are done. 我作用“OK”作为散放的命令,狗儿们会明白课程结束了。
A good example of this is a dog that has learned the meaning of the word " DOWN " but now must learn that " DOWN " means stay down until the handler gives a " RELEASE COMMAND ". 一个很好的例子:假设一只狗儿已经学会了“DOWN”口令,但是现在它必须学会卧下别动,直到训练者发出解散口令。
The information release subsystem is to construct the command network station and release real-time command information. 其中信息发布子系统主要实现指挥系统的网站构建及指挥信息的即时发布。
Release : This command is issued by the owning host bus adapter when a disk resource is taken offline; it frees a SCSI device for another host bus adapter to reserve. release(释放):当磁盘资源下线的时候,这个命令由拥有该磁盘的总线适配器发送。这个命令释放该SCSI设备供其他总线适配器占用。
First, set up the installation package in a release area using the command prompt. 首先,利用命令提示在释放区域安装这个安装包。