Instead, it explains fundamental operating system concepts that are applicable to a variety of systems. 本课程将不著重于特定之作业系统或硬体,而是说明应用于各种作业系统的基本观念。
As the fundamental software, operating system must also change to serve the applications better. 作为以服务应用程序为目标的基础软件,操作系统必须作出相应的改变,才能据此提供更高效的服务并满足新的需求。
Process concurrence is the fundamental problem when the operating system is designed. process mutual exclusion is the most basic demand for enforce process concurrence. 进程并发是操作系统设计中的基础性问题,而进程的互斥则是进程并发执行的最基本需求。
The following steps will change the fundamental method of loading the operating system to the computer. 后面的步骤将更改操作系统装入计算机的基本方法。
Class numeric_limits is part of the standard namespace; it checks for properties of fundamental types on a given operating system platform. 类numericlimits是标准命名空间的一部分;它检查基本类型在给定操作系统平台上的属性。