As a New Zealander, and a person who has donated money at times to Greens for their work with clean food and a healthy environment, may I say that I I wish Australia would take him back. 作为一个新西兰人,一个已经给绿党捐款以使他们为清洁食品和健康环境工作的人,我是不是可以希望澳大利亚人把他带回去?
Two years ago he effectively retired, having made enough money several times over to live a very good life and never have to work again. 两年以前,他退休了,并拥有多出使他过好生活所需好几倍的金钱,他不需要再工作了。
Della counted money three times. 戴拉数了三遍钱。
In this few years, the statistics shows that the new graduated student is more than vacant jobs which can earn a lot of money many times in China. 在这几年的统计数据显示,新毕业的学生比空缺职位,可以赚一笔钱多次在中国多很多。
Money often times is a more important influencer than " politics ". 钱的重要性比政治的重要性要搞很多倍。