Typical production environments are installed and configured based on several common criteria. 典型的生产环境根据一些通用标准进行安装和配置。
Environments are useful in fulfilling lab resource requests and searching for lab resources with common criteria. 在实现实验室资源请求和搜索带有常用标准的实验室资源过程中,环境是是非有用的。
There are some common criteria, however. 但是,有一些共同标准(CC)。
Common Criteria(CC) certification is typically required for federal deals across the world. 世界各地的联邦交易通常要求CommonCriteria认证。
Though Common Criteria(CC) is very generic, it can also aid a regulatory-governed industry in selection of computer systems or products to suit their business and compliance needs. 尽管CommonCriteria是非常一般化的,但是它也可以帮助企业选择能够满足业务和遵从性需求的计算机系统或产品。