The US administration recently branded him a war criminal. 美国当局最近认定他为战犯。
We are being held by a war criminal! 我们被一个战犯抓住了!
He was a Nazi war criminal. 他是个纳粹战犯。
Which country elected a World War II fascist war criminal ( Class A ) as a peacetime leader? 二战后哪个国家选举了甲级战犯作为领导人?
After the second world war ended, following was the Nuremberg Trials with the Tokyo War Trials to the war criminal and the war crimes group's trial. 第二次世界大战结束后,随之而来的是纽伦堡审判和东京审判,即对战争罪犯(WC)和战争犯罪集团的审判。