Embodied in, historical figures, classic colors and the traditional concept of cultural irony. 具体表现在,历史人物、传统文化和对历史反讽。
Elegant style and mature skill provide Guo Qihong's historical dramas with rich and bright colors. 典雅的风格与成熟的技巧提升了郭启宏史剧的案头价值。
In a certain extent, it is proposed the productivity theory, we not only get the basic vision of historical materialism and have a real understanding of the true colors of history, but also have an important effect on the transformation of society and promoting social production. 从一定程度上来讲,正是生产力理论的提出,我们不仅获得了历史唯物主义的基本视野,对历史的本来面目有了真正的认识,也对改造社会,促进社会生产的起到了推动作用。
Dayu legend not only contains historical factors, but also has mythical factors and legend colors. 大禹治水的传说既有史实素地的成分,又有后世文人不断迭加的神话因素、传说色彩。
The authors analyze the historical reasons of the indigo-blue printed fabric cloth from the principle of ancient five colors and modern three original colors. 作者以古代“五色”和现代“三原色”原理的色彩学方法分析蓝印花布的历史成因,认为“靛蓝美感”奠定了蓝印花布审美接受的基础。