The story throws Shrek into an alternate reality in which he was never born, and thus has no friends or family, and no source of happiness. 片中,史莱克陷入了另外一个世界中,在那里他从没存在过,没有朋友和家人,更无幸福可言。
A study in the Journal of Communication found that women who engage in a role-playing game online actually spend more time in the alternate reality than the guy players do. 发表在《传播学报》的一项研究发现:事实上,沉迷网上角色扮演类游戏(简称RPG)的女玩家比男玩家挥霍更多的时间在这个虚幻世界中。
Since the beginning of reform and opening policy, China has went through several times of inflation and deflation, facing the alternate reality of inflation and deflation, the traditional policy tools is obviously insufficient and invalid. 改革开放以来,中国多次出现通货膨胀和通货紧缩,面对通货膨胀与通货紧缩的交替出现的现实,传统的政策手段存在明显不足。
The death described by Kawabata is shrouded with horrible atmosphere, permeated with woeful sincerity, and expresses the impermanent outlook of life and death, with alternate reality and illusory, and with grief but beauty. 川端康成笔下的死亡笼罩着恐怖的气氛,渗透着悲哀的情愫,同时也表现出了人生无常的生死观,以及死之亦真亦幻、既悲且美。
Many other alternate forms of reality and consciousness coincide and coexist within the same space that your present earth occupies. 地球目前所占据的空间之中,实相和意识的多个变化复本同时发生并同时存在。