The system adopts standard UNIX operating system as the platform, uses the latest X-Window window technology, with standard C language and strong Motif technology support of interface between man and machine, offers emulation control regulating function, and shows and the function of online visits database. 系统是采用标准的UNIX操作系统作为平台,应用最新的X-Window窗口技术,以标准C语言及强大的Motif技术为人机界面的支撑,提供仿真控制调节功能、显示和在线访问数据库的功能。
Class numeric_limits is part of the standard namespace; it checks for properties of fundamental types on a given operating system platform. 类numericlimits是标准命名空间的一部分;它检查基本类型在给定操作系统平台上的属性。
Then, through the invasion of testing technology and related CIDF standard in-depth study in a laboratory environment for network intrusion detection systems based on the operating system platform in the windows, using a MySQL database. 然后,通过对入侵检测技术和相关CIDF标准的深入研究,在实验环境下实现了一个基于网络的入侵检测系统,该系统运行在windows平台上,采用了MySQL数据库。