The contaminant in compartment and that introduced into compartment from outside are the main factor influencing the internal air quality and personal security, which is influenced by several other factors such as the external environment and internal layout. 机动卫生装备舱室内部产生的及外部进入舱室的污染物,受外部环境和内部布局等众多因素的影响,是影响舱室内部空气质量和作业人员安全的重要因素。
In the IT era, the personal information security is concerned with many aspects, such as management, moral and legal, an incomplete legal system, therefore, result in the lack of personal information protection in an unbounded internet environment. 在网络信息时代,个人信息安全涉及到管理、道德、法律等诸多方面,法律的滞后性使个人信息在网络环境下缺少法律的保护以及相应的制裁。