Is an array or array formula, or a reference to a range of cells for which you want the number of columns On the Combinatorial Identities and the Mean Values of Some Interesting Sequences; 指需要计算其列数的数组、数组公式(AF)或单元格区域引用。
Is an array, an array formula, or a reference to a range of cells for which you want the number of rows 要返回其行数的数组、数组公式(AF)或对单元格区域的引用
To Apply Array Formula(AF) of Excel to Environment Statistics Excel数组公式(AF)在环境统计中的应用
The paper introduces the methods to use Excel's array formula and related function, solve simultaneous nonlinear equations by Newton method realized simply and directly. 使用Excel的数组公式(AF)及其相关的函数功能,简单、直观地实现用牛顿法求解非线性方程组的方法。
By giving examples, the text discusses the application of Excel array formula in teachers information management, and proves that we can improve the work efficiency markedly by array formula. 本文以举例分析的方式探讨Excel中的数组公式(AF)在师资信息统计分析中的运用,证明使用数组公式(AF)能显著提高师资信息管理的工作效率。