Blossom age for the northeastern Sichuan Luan Chuan travel Express 川东北的花样年华栾川旅游资讯
Earlier, the nation's largest travel services company American Express has not yet done so. 此前,美国最大的差旅服务公司美国运通也尚未做到这一点。
Chinese consumers are exposed to different brands through the Internet and travel and want to express their individuality, he said. 唐仕德称,中国消费者现在可以通过互联网和旅游买到各种品牌的产品,并且愿意展现自己的个性。
Please communicate any changes to your contact information, status or location to company's travel manager or CITS American Express travel consultant. 请旅客及时联系公司差旅经理或国旅运通旅行顾问,确认最新联系方式,旅行状态和所处位置。
I hope to publish books, travel and lecture, and of course express my culture-crossing and experiences in music. 我希望出版书,旅行然后演讲,当然也表达我的跨文化以及在音乐方面的经验。