Innocent party ( informed party ) cannot request return the property, occupant get the property. 过错方(知情方)不得请求返还所为的给付,由受领方保有该财产。
For example, clients typically issue an HTTP GET request to return a file from a web server. 例如,客户端一般会发送一个HTTPGET请求到Web服务器上下载一个文件。
AIO allows processes to perform other work while waiting for an I / O request to return. AIO允许进程在等待I/O请求返回(RR)时执行其他的工作。
For example, the play request must return once playing has commenced and not wait until playing is complete. 例如,播放声音请求可以在播放操作一开始进行就立刻返回,而并不需要完成了整首歌曲的播放才结束。
Japan refused to honor Peru's request to return him for trial, saying its nationals should be subject to Japanese law and pointing out the lack of an extradition treaty between the two countries. 日本拒绝遵照秘鲁的要求将他交还接受审判,说是它的国民就应当遵照日本的法律,并指出在秘鲁和日本两国之间并没有建立引渡条约。