Research on radius extentions in service selection gateway Radius协议在业务选择网关中的扩展研究
With the diversification and individuation of web service, Service Selection Gateway(SSG) ( SSG ) has emerged. 随着网络服务日趋多样化和个性化,业务选择网关应运而生。
Security is the most important problem in the design of service selection gateway. As one of the key strategies assuring the network safe, access control is the absolutely necessarily security technology in the application layer of service selection gateway. 在业务选择网关设计中安全问题尤为重要,访问控制作为保证网络安全最重要的核心策略之一,成为业务选择网关应用层必不可少的基本安全技术。
The Protocol Analysis Module of Service Selection Gateway(SSG) ( SSG ) is a scheme that it can work out the URL which user requests before user in connection with the real server, and finishes the access control and route work according to the user privilege. 业务选择网关(SSG)中的协议分析模块要求在用户与服务器建立连接之前即可将用户请求数据包解析成URL,并且根据用户权限进行访问控制,路由选择等。
Therefore, the organization capability of role to object is mined and the original access control model is amended. Finally, based on the amended RBAC and combining Radius, we design an access control model under service selection gateway. 最后,以改进后的RBAC访问控制模型为理论依据,结合Radius认证技术,对业务选择网关下的访问控制模型进行了设计。