During the past ten years, the world telecom industry has developed very fast depending on the need of voice service, customers and network have been extended greatly. 刚刚过去的十年,全球电信业依靠话音业务的需求驱动发展迅速,用户和网络实现了前所未有的发展。
The world's telecom industry has been buffeted than ever since 21 century's, especially with the decline of network economy in recent years, it goes into clinical period. 进入21世纪以来,世界电信产业受到了前所未有的打击,尤其是近来随着网络经济的衰退,世界电信产业走向了百年不遇的低潮时期。
In the real world, the data of many applications, such as network control, telecom, electronic business transactions, sensor network etc, are not limited data set that be preserved in storage devices, but data stream. 在现实世界的许多应用中,例如网络控制器、电信、电子商务交易、传感器网络等等,数据大都不是有限存储的数据集合,而是持续的数据流;