God the Father gave God the Son to be lifted up on a cross, after being unjustly condemned, suffering every torment thrown at him by hell and Satan. 父神让祂的儿子承受无理的指责,忍受地狱和撒但的折磨后,更叫祂被钉在十字架上。
Hell is overflowing, and Satan is sending his dead to us. 地狱里都挤满了,撒旦把死人送到我们这里。
No angel born in hell, Could break that Satan's spell. 任何地狱来的天使都不能解开魔王的毒咒。
The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain. 急雨骤落,钟声渐远,脑海中又响起撒旦的狂笑。