A customer has all of the columns of Person, plus a loyalty number and an order history. 一个客户可以有Person的所有列,外加信誉度和订购历史。
Suppose this document was used to present an Order History(OH) view to the customer. 假设要用这个文档表示顾客的订单历史(OH)视图。
Imagine a situation in which you need to extend the example report to display salesman order history since the company inception, not just active orders from the last two years. 假设这样一种情况:您需要扩展示例报告,使其能显示从公司成立时起的销售人员历史订单,而不仅仅是最近两年的活动订单。
However, this field would then be serialized from any object graph involving Item, despite the current stock level's irrelevance to, say, the customer's Order History(OH). 但是,不管当前的库存水平是否与当前情况相关(比如对顾客的订单历史(OH)来说),这个字段都会从包含Item的任何对象图中序列化出来。
This concise template outputs only the data needed for an Order History(OH) view, and not the irrelevant stuff such as each item's description. 这个简洁的模板只输出订单历史(OH)视图需要的数据,不输出不相关的资料(例如商品说明)。