The brigade and army's orders were to enter the breakthrough and continuing the offensive toward Order, capture a bridgehead on the river's left bank. 集团军部的命令是从被打开得突破口里继续向Order发起进攻。夺取河左岸的一个桥头堡。
The army's under orders to withdraw by nightfall. 部队奉命到傍晚时撤退。
Imagen, a daily in the state of Zacatecas, ran an article last year attacking the army on the orders of a mafia that had kidnapped one of its reporters. 去年,萨卡特卡斯州的日报《映像》在它的一个记者被一个黑手党绑架的情况下,被迫报道了一篇袭击军队的文章。
The army refused to accept orders from the political leadership 军队拒绝接受政界领导层下达的命令。
The army of occupation had orders not to ill-treat the local citizenry. 占领军被命令不得迫害当地居民。