Late entry, application by fax or email will not be accepted. 逾期报名、传真或电邮报名,恕不受理。
We need to take this one with a grain of salt, though & Paypal is investing in user experience and technology, and through sheer size can reclaim market share even when it is a late entry. 但这个问题要从两方面看,PayPal正在用户体验和技术方面加大投入,即便是进入的比较晚,凭借其巨大的规模也可能占有可观的市场份额。
If you submit a late entry, the online entry software will automatically add the late fee to your account and you will be responsible for settling your account prior to the final deadline. 若参赛作品迟交,则在线申请软件会自动从您账户上划走迟交费用,因此需要在作品提交最终期限之前将账户设好。
The companies are intent on expanding internationally, but their relatively late entry into the international oil business has prevented them from bidding for bigger projects, such as the Iraqi fields. 这些公司有意进行国际扩张,但它们涉足国际石油业务的时间相对较晚,不利于它们竞标较大型的项目,如伊拉克的油田。