So, is our " Japanese contractor " using deprecated mass mailing software? 所以,是我们的“日本承包商”用废弃的大量邮件软件?
They are impersonal and make your holiday wishes look like a mass mailing. 这是不礼貌的,会让你的节日祝福看起来是一种群发的邮件。
When you want to use envelopes to send a mass mailing to your address list, you can use mail merge to create a batch of envelopes. 如果您要使用信封向地址列表发送大宗邮件,可以使用邮件合并创建一批信封。
The large spike in the Router task was a mass mailing, another example of a workload spike for which you must plan. Router任务中的大峰值是大量邮件,这是必须计划的工作量峰值的另一个示例。
In a mass mailing or in an advertisement, you might post a coupon code to give customers an added incentive to order. 在大量邮件推广或在某个广告中,您可以公布优惠券代码以刺激客户的订购欲望。