A unifying bond, especially a marriage bond. 结合一种联结的纽带,尤指婚姻纽带。
Many see the ideal of marriage as a permanent bond. 许多人把婚姻的美满视为一种永久的结合。
Does each of us feel fully confident in the other's commitment to the marriage and believe that the bond can survive whatever challenges we may face? 彼此是否对婚姻的承诺有信心?这样的承诺无论遇到什麽挑战,依然相信彼此的依恋?
It was the act of bodily union that achieved marriage, and after which the indissoluble bond was complete. 真正使婚姻得以成立的是双方肉体的结合,并以此形成了夫妻双方的紧密的不可分割的纽带。
He's become a lot more domesticated since his marriage. Romantic attachment is adult's emotional bond with partner. 他婚后已非常恋家了.婚恋依恋是成人与情侣间的依恋情感联结。