Game Analysis on the Process of the Convertibility of the State-owned Shares in China's Stock Market and Its Pricing 从博弈的角度看国有股减持及其定价
Lessening policies of state shares the central government issues when the stock market is bearish market has dynamic inconsistence characteristics, therefore, dynamic analysis of those characteristics based on game theory with perfect information can help comprehend the lessening policies of state shares completely. 由于政府在股市处于低位时宣布国有股停止减持的政策具有动态不一致性,因此运用完全信息动态博弈分析方法对这种性质进行深入分析,以加深对国有股减持政策的认识。
This is a game changer for the company and, to be honest, I am a bit surprised the shares are only up 20 per cent, said Harm Meijer at JPMorgan. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)的哈姆•梅杰尔(HarmMeijer)表示,对Quintain而言,这是一件改变游戏规则的大事。老实说,股价只上涨20%有些出乎我的意料。