First of all relevant clinical data in accordance with previous reports, the design of rational therapeutic effect of Chinese medicine as well as observation of foot standard. 首先根据以往相关临床资料报道,设计合理的中药浴足方以及疗效观察标准。
The results of research indicates that, if a soil sample has been disturbed in the course of extracting, its mechanical index number will be varied greatly, and it will exert an influence on the design of a project with rational and economical effect. 研究结果表明,土样扰动对室内测定的力学性指标以及工程设计的经济合理性影响很大;
The dissertation points out that due to the optional characteristic of the litigation conduct and the asymmetrical distribution of information, the party cannot make rational cost and effect calculations. 文章指出由于诉讼行为的选择性与信息不对称状态使当事人无法在理性层面进行成本收益的核算,更多是在关注自我利益下的行为决策。
Production and application of pantothenic acid and its derivative RATIONAL SCREENING BY EFFECT OF FeSO_4 OR PANTOTHENIC ACID ON HIGH-YIELDING MUTANTS OF B.LICHENIFORMIS 泛酸系列产品生产、应用现状及展望铁和泛酸用于杆菌肽高产变种的推理选育
Study on the Rational Structure and Supporting Effect of Rock Bolt Plate 锚杆托板的合理结构与支护效果研究