Tip : Control white space in an XSLT style sheet ( Nicholas Chase, developerWorks, Nov2002 ): Understand whitespace and space stripping in transformation and create the document you want. 技巧:用XSLT样式表控制文档中的空白(NicholasChase,developerWorks,2002年11月):理解转换过程中的空白和空格(WS)剥离,创建您想要的文档。
If you try to call the split method on your string, it will split on a whitespace character ( like the space ). 如果试着在string上调用split方法,它会在空白字符(例如空格(WS))处进行拆分。
Reduce the whitespace within the a start tag so that there is a single space before each attribute. 减少a起始标签中的空格(WS),每个属性之前只留下一个空格(WS)。