Manages and controls access to a smart card inserted into a smart card reader attached to the computer. 对插入在计算机智能卡(SC)阅读器中的智能卡(SC)进行管理和访问控制。
The local policy of this system requires you to logon using a smart card. 此系统的本地策略要求您使用智能卡(SC)登录。
A new remote identity authentication scheme based on smart card in multi-server Internet services is proposed. 提出了一种基于智能卡(SC)的远程身份认证方案,该方案可应用于多服务器的网络环境。
Unable to create a new device for the gcr410p smart card reader. 无法为gcr410p智能卡(SC)读取器创建一个新的设备。
The user may check information of E-mail, smart card and conditional access by this operation. 用户可以根据此项操作来查看电子邮件、智能卡(SC)、条件接收等信息。