Acid number of lubricating oil can be obtained by neutralizing standard acid solution and alkalinity substance of aqueous phase. 用标准酸溶液中和水相中的碱性物质,即可获得润滑油的酸值(AN)。
A laboratory study of using esterification technology to reduce the acid number of high acid crude 酯化方法降低高酸原油酸值(AN)技术的实验研究
Preparation and Performance of the Catalyst for Esterification Deacidification of Crude Oil with High Naphthenic Acid Number(AN) 高酸原油酯化脱酸催化剂的制备和性能
Study on Esterification for reducing total acid number of high acid crude oil by mg / al oxides Mg/Al氧化物催化高酸原油酯化降酸的研究
The influence of static thermal degradation on colloidal performance of Lithium-Calcium base grease was studied by the centrifugal oil separation test, dropping point test and acid number test. 利用离心分油试验机、油浴滴点测定仪和酸碱滴定仪分别考察了静态热老化对锂-钙基润滑脂胶体性能的影响。