The ultimate multi-channel information elements proposed integrated learning model, draw : an integrated learning model of information elements the meaning, value and application. 系统描述多通道信息元素整合学习模型,特别是在固定相关影响因素后,不同学习目标下信息元素整合学习模型的意义与价值。
Integrated Theory of Organizational Learning Model 组织学习整合理论模型
This research integrated the learning organization theory and HRM functions to develop a learning-oriented HRM strategy model. 本研究将学习型组织与人力资源管理基本职能加以整合,提出学习导向的人力资源管理策略模型。
In this thesis, on the base of analysising the integrated learning principles and the SVR modle, the author focuses on the traffic flow forecasting model that integrates Bagging algorithm and Boosting algorithm and SVR model. 本文在研究了集成学习原理用于基于SVR的交通流短时预测的基础上,着重分析了将Bagging算法和Boosting算法与SVR融合的交通流预测模型。