I would like a little general advice about the whole question. 关于整个问题,我有一点点建议。
If I sent the little general in. 派我的“小将军(LG)”出马。
Lagoons occupied by a bare substrate resulting from frequent large inputs of silt offer a harsh environment of little general benefit to wildlife. 占领造成的频繁大量投放的淤泥裸基板的泻湖提供野生动物小一般利益恶劣的环境。
Henry Maine tried to generalize the development of ancient law by his penetrating theory which is actually also a little general. 亨利·梅因试图以他的精辟论断概括古代法的发展历程,事实上他的学说仍显笼统。
Going a little more general here, besides the obvious, what do you think is the main difference between writing for The Simpsons and for Futurama? 你能不能概括一下,除了一些显而易见的内容,辛普森与飞出个未来的主要区别是什么?