I haven't been to La Salle(LS) since I was little. 从很小的时候起我就没去过拉沙了。
Hacker High School is a program run by the University of La Salle(LS) in Barcelona, Spain. 骇客高中是西班牙巴塞隆那的拉萨尔(LS)大学主办的课程。
Often the more open partners are with each other, the less happy they are, says Marianne Dainton, a professor at La Salle(LS) University, in Philadelphia, whose research focuses on communication in personal relationships. 费城拉塞尔大学(LaSalleUniversity)的玛丽安娜•丹顿(MarianneDainton)教授说,通常伴侣对彼此越坦诚,他们就越不快乐。她的研究重点是人际交流。
Shirley O.Lua teaches literature at De La Salle(LS) University in Manila, Philippines. 陈舒励是菲律宾马尼拉拉刹大学文学教授。
Luis Razon, a chemical engineering professor at De La Salle(LS) University, Manila, suggests that donors should make mid-course reviews or evaluations less rigid. 马尼拉DeLaSalle大学的化学工程教授LuisRazon提出,捐助者应该降低中期评审或评估的严格程度。