For example, I've implemented removing tickets, and the user interaction with the ticketing system is slightly enhanced, so you 'll see a bit more of Gaelyk in action. 举例来说,我实现了删除罚单的功能,并且用户与罚单之间的交互也稍有增强,因此您可以或多或少感受到Gaelyk的效果。
The Indian Low and Pacific High is enhanced, with the Atlantic High being slightly enhanced in the past 100 years. 近百年来,印度低压与太平洋高压已明显地加强了,大西洋高压也有所加强。
In extravaginal testicular torsion group, scrotal sac and muscles were slightly enhanced, while tunica vaginalis was not enhanced. 结论睾丸扭转超声造影环状增强主要来源于睾丸鞘膜层,少量来源于阴囊皮肤肌肉层;
The hybrid films showed an increase in thermal decomposition temperature and a slightly enhanced glass transition temperature. 复合薄膜的结构发生了变化,其热分解温度增加,玻璃化转变温度也有轻微增大。
Compared to the reference diesel fuel, most of the gaseous PAHs derived from CTL are slightly enhanced, while the total carbonyls show a negligible reduction. 3. 与国3柴油相比较,纯CTL燃料气态多环芳香烃的比排放量略微增加,而总羰基化合物的排放略微减小。